rules + participation info
Spotlight Dance Cup adheres to a strict set of rules, meticulously developed to help our studios and dancers get the most out of their competition experience on our stages.
new RULES + POLICIES in 2025
• FLAWLESS GEMS DIVISION: For routines including dancers with exceptional mental and/or physical abilities or dancers with special needs. Routines competing in the Flawless Gems Division will be for Adjudication Only.
•Spotlight Dance Cup no longer permits Independent entries. All dancers must be registered with their studio in order to compete at our events.
•Special Performance Time RequestS: We will accept special requests for a $20 fee per routine up to the Closing Date. Requests can only be made for Duos/Trios or Groups/Lines/Productions and will not be available for Solos.
• TITLE DANCE COMBO: Contestants will perform a prepared combination in any style to a pre-selected piece of music. A music link will be sent out to Studio Directors in the Teacher Packet approximately 2 weeks prior to the event.
• DIAMOND PLEDGE: Studios MUST submit a $500 Diamond Pledge deposit in order to be eligible for any additional discounts.
• Change requests: Please send all requests to no later than MIDNIGHT MST, on the Friday prior to the regional event.
first things first!
(general information)
The following descriptions are suggestions to help understand where we believe a dancer's skill set may exist according to our levels. We expect that the dancers have a strong understanding/mastery of the moves below. These examples are a guideline but are not meant to be all-inclusive, nor should they limit your choreographic choices. Please continue to use your best judgement when placing your dancers and routines in the appropriate divisions.
NOVICE GEMS: For the beginner dancer who trains a maximum of 3 hours per week.
Examples of the basic skills and movements allowed in the Novice Gems Division include grand jete, saut de chat, single or double pirouettes, side leaps, front or side battements, simple tumbling skills such as cartwheels and somersaults, basic tap vocabulary of shuffles, heel/toe and toe/heel combinations, flaps, and ball changes as a basis and intro to party moves in hip hop (dougie, whip & nae nae, cabbage patch, running man, tootsie roll/butterfly), top rocks, basic isolation work, hits , and floor work.FUTURE GEMS: For the intermediate dancer who trains a maximum of 5 hours per week.
Examples of the basic skills and movements allowed in the Future Gems Division include the Novice Gems skills in addition to double or triple pirouettes, switch leaps, reverse leaps, stationary leg holds or single leg hold turns, fouetté turns, á la seconde turns, intermediate tumbling skills such as front or back walkovers, aerials, back handsprings, basic tumbling passes, intermediate tap vocabulary of pull backs, wings, and time steps demonstrating clear use of dynamics and rhythm, baby freezes in hip hop, Russian/Kazotsky kick, standard gliding patterns, basic tutting, threading, simple waves, and basic understanding of texture.ELITE GEMS: For the advanced dancer who trains more than 5 hours per week or for any dancer with more advanced skills regardless of hours of dance training.
Examples of the skills and movements that would classify a routine in the Elite Gems Division include multiple pirouettes, consecutive fouetté or á la seconde turns followed by multiple pirouettes or other advanced turning sequences, switch leaps with varying intricacies, multiple leg hold turns, advanced tumbling skills such as fulls, layouts, back tucks, and tumbling passes, and advanced tap vocabulary demonstrating a clear understanding of timing, rhythm, syncopation, and dynamics, outstanding syncopation and rhythm potentially displaying multiple styles of hip hop including krumping, popping, locking, waacking, advanced breaking such as flairs or windmills, and intricate waves, glides, and threading.FLAWLESS GEMS: For routines including dancers with exceptional mental and/or physical abilities or dancers with special needs.
Routines competing in the Flawless Gems Division will be for Adjudication Only. Special rates apply, please contact the office when registering in this division.ADULT: For a routine with any one dancer age 20 or older.
NOTE: Training is defined as any non-rehearsal classes that are instructional based and focus on the technical aspects of dance regardless of genre.
Studios will assign a division to each dancer during the registration process. Division placement is at the discretion of the studio directors and teachers. Read descriptions carefully and be fair and honest with dancer placement. Please also keep in mind the skill of the dancer and the difficulty level of the choreography; just because a dancer qualifies at the intermediate level doesn’t mean their skill set warrants that placement.
SOLOS: Soloists must perform all solos within their assigned division.
DUOS/TRIOS: Division is determined by its highest level dancer.
GROUPS: Novice Gems groups and lines must be 70% Novice Gems with the remaining 30% Future Gems.
Future Gems groups and lines must be 70% Novice or Future Gems with the remaining 30% Elite Gems.
Elite Gems groups and lines can have any mix of Novice, Future and Elite Gems dancers.
ANY dancer registered in more than 5 Elite Gems routines (excluding Productions) must be classified as an Elite Gems dancer. For example: If a Future Gems dancer is registered in 6 Elite Gems routines, they must now be registered as an Elite Gems dancer which may affect the Division Placement of other routines they are registered in. Any dancer or routine found to be in violation of the Division Conflict rule will be automatically moved to the Elite Gems Division and the studio will be notified by email.
During the event, our judges will use the suggested guidelines to help ensure proper placement in our divisions. If two or more judges indicate that a routine or dancer should compete at a higher level, the routine will be bumped and scored as adjudication only, at the Event Manager's discretion. The routine or dancer may recompete for overalls ONLY if the new, higher division hasn't competed AND if the schedule permits. All bumped routines must compete in the new division for any remaining Regional events as well as National Championships.
PETITE: 8 years old and under.
JUNIOR: 9-11 years old
TEEN: 12-14 years old
SENIOR: 15-19 years old
ADULT: 20 years old and up.
NOTE: Dancer’s age is as of January 1, 2025. For Duo/Trios, Groups, and Lines, the dancers’ ages will be averaged, and the decimal dropped to determine the age category. Routines may not compete in a different Age Category other than the average age of the routine.
Number of performers: 1
Standard Time: 2 mins, 45 secs
Extended Time: 3 mins, 15 secsDUO/TRIO:
Number of performers: 2-3
Standard Time: 2 mins, 45 secs
Extended Time: 3 mins, 45 secsSMALL GROUP:
Number of performers: 4-9
Standard Time: 3 mins
Extended Time: 4 minsLARGE GROUP:
Number of performers: 10-19
Standard Time: 4 mins
Extended Time: 6 minsLINE:
Number of performers: 20+
Standard Time: 4 mins
Extended Time: 7 minsPRODUCTION:
Number of performers: 20+
Standard Time: 8 mins
Extended Time: 10 mins
OVERTIME ROUTINES: If you are unable to meet the extended time limit, the routine may be performed for adjudication only, or receive a 10-point penalty and still be eligible for the overall award scoring.
IMPORTANT TIME LIMIT NOTE REGARDING PROPS + STAGE SETS: All Solos, Duos/Trios, Groups and Lines are allowed an additional 1-minute total time (3 minutes for Productions) for set-up and tear-down of props and stage sets. If a routine exceeds the TOTAL Standard or Extended Time PLUS the allowed prop set time stated above, penalties may be assessed. Routines must be pre-registered for Extended Time as this cannot be added after a routine has already performed.
ACRO DANCE: Acrobatic routine incorporating dance choreography.
BALLET: Routine containing classical ballet technique.
CLOGGING: Routine containing clogging technique and style performed in Clogging shoes.
CONTEMPORARY: Demonstrates a fusion of ballet, lyrical, or jazz, with modern movement + technique.
FOLKLORIC: Traditional Ethnic or Cultural dance style, such as Hula, Step, Irish, Flamenco, etc.
HIP-HOP: Street Dance, Free-Style, Pop 'n Lock, etc.
IMPROV: Impromptu choreography to pre-selected music by Spotlight – approx. one minute in length.
• Dancer can choose from Hip-Hop, Jazz, Lyrical, or Tap.
• Music will be provided by Stage Manager approximately 15 min, prior to performance and can only be listened to one time.
• Elite Gems Division only.
• All group sizes can participate (Solos, Duo/Trios, and Groups).
• Overall Improv Winners will receive a Diamond Plaque.
JAZZ: Routine containing traditional or current jazz technique.
JAZZ-FUNK: A fusion of jazz technique and elements of hip-hop.
LYRICAL: Choreography that expresses the lyrics of the music.
MODERN: Dance emphasizing interpretive movement using modern technique.
MUSICAL THEATRE: Broadway, novelty or theme-based.
OPEN: Any style or combo of genres. Anything goes!
POINTE: Classical ballet technique performed en pointe. Not permitted in the Novice Gems Division.
POM/DRILL: Drill team style, with or without poms.
SONG + DANCE: Contains live singing and dance choreography. No pre-recorded vocal melody is permitted. Backup vocalizations are allowed. Performers are welcome to bring their own microphones if they choose. Please email for compatible microphone options with Spotlight equipment.
STUDENT CHOREOGRAPHY: Student choreographed routine of any style or group size with no instructor assistance.
• No repetition of music or major dance combos from other studio routines.
• Choreographer does not need to perform in the routine.
• Routine may be registered in regular categories at the studio's discretion.
TAP: Any style of tap work + technique.NOTES: Lip sync and vocalizations are permitted in all categories.
Gymnastic/Acrobatic moves are limited to 3 in all categories except Acro Dance, Student Choreography, Open, Pom/Drill & Production, which allow unlimited moves.
Acro tricks are defined as any move that is fully inverted with both feet off the floor. (Walkovers, handstands, chin stands, aerials, back handsprings, round offs, etc.) Lifts with another dancer, cartwheels, and shoulder rolls are not considered acro moves.
Identical acro moves performed in unison or roll-off by two or more dancers are considered one move.
Consecutive moves by different dancers are counted separately.
PHOTOGENIC: Submit a high-resolution photo to be judged on visual appearance, creative expression, age appropriateness, photo clarity and quality and overall artistry.
Register at the Spotlight Boutique based on dancer’s age on January 1, 2025.
Registration is at event only + closes one hour prior to scheduled awards.
Award will be presented during the ceremony listed on the event schedule.
PRODUCTION: Theme based or story line routine that may contain multiple ages, levels and dance forms
Production routines may contain one adult dancer.
TITLE SOLO: For the Elite Gems division dancer competing for Spotlight Title
A dancer may register multiple solos for Title
Title contestants may not compete additional Solos in a lower Division and must be in Elite Gems
There will only be one gender inclusive Spotlight Title Winner awarded for each Age Category
Dancers MUST compete for Regional Title in order to be eligible to compete for National Title
NOTE: 2024 Titleholders are ineligible to compete in 2025 unless moving to a new age category but may compete in subsequent years or at another event. The same dancer cannot hold the title in more than one event in the same year.
VOCAL: Vocal Performance of any genre
May include choreography but must be at least 75% vocal.
No pre-recorded vocal melody is permitted; backup vocalizations are allowed.
Two hands-free or hand-held wireless mics provided upon request.
Performers are welcome to bring their own microphones if they choose. Please email for compatible microphone options with Spotlight equipment.
LEt’s get going!
(registration process + procedures)
Completed online entries, an e-signed Terms and Conditions Agreement, and PAYMENT IN FULL must be submitted for entries to be scheduled.
NEW: Spotlight Dance Cup no longer permits Independent entries. All dancers must be registered with their studio in order to compete at our events.
Entry Fees – Please log in to your studio account for Entry Fees. Rates are provided to studio directors and teachers only.
Studios MUST submit a $500 Diamond Pledge deposit in order to be eligible for any additional discounts.ROYALTY REWARDS RATES (for invoices over $1,000): Register and pay by the Discount Date to receive up to 10% off your total invoice.
SAVINGS RATE: Register and pay by the Closing Date to receive the Savings Rate.
REGULAR RATE: Registration and/or Payment made after the Closing Date will be charged the Regular Rate. -
By submitting a $500 Diamond Pledge deposit by September 30, 2025, studios become eligible to receive all additional discounts including the Royalty Rewards Rate. Credit card payments will only receive a maximum 3% discount, regardless of Royalty Rewards Membership Status. Studio Directors can increase to a 5% - 10% discount (Royalty Rewards Rate) recognizing their loyal support, when payment is made via mailed Check or E-Check! The Royalty Rewards discount is calculated on the Invoice Total after Gift Certificates and other Coupons have been deducted. To qualify, registration must exceed $1,000 and be paid in full by the Discount Date.
SAPPHIRE (1-4 consecutive years): 5% with E-Check or mailed Check.
EMERALD (5-9 consecutive years): 6% with E-Check or mailed Check.
RUBY (10-14 consecutive years): 7% with E-Check or mailed Check.
DIAMOND (15-19 consecutive years): 8% with E-Check or mailed Check.
FLAWLESS DIAMOND (20+ consecutive years): 10% with E-Check or mailed Check.
Credit Card Payments, regardless of Royalty Rewards Status: 3% -
Each studio entry will be charged a $30 registration fee. This fee is waived when the invoice total exceeds $2,000. Multiple accounts in the same studio name and director will be deleted from the system. NOTE: Spotlight Dance Cup no longer permits Independent entries. All dancers must be registered with their studio to compete at our events.
We will accept special requests for a $20 fee per routine up to the Closing Date. Requests can only be made for Duos/Trios or Groups/Lines/Productions and will not be available for Solos. Spotlight will make every effort to meet each request, if we are unable to do so, the studio will be notified with alternatives, which may include a refund for the effected routine.
Payment is required at the point of registration via our online payment system.
NEW: Accounts not paid in full by the Closing Date will automatically adjust from the Savings Rate to the Regular Rate.PAYMENT TIMELINE AND PAYMENTS TYPES ACCEPTED
Prior to the Closing Date (32+ days prior to the event): E-check, credit/debit card, studio check, cashiers’ check, money order and/or gift certificates (Savings Rates apply).
After the Closing Date (31-21 days prior to the event): E-check, credit/debit card, cashiers’ check, money order; NO personal or studio checks please. (Regular Rates apply and expedited shipping of cashiers’ checks and/or money orders is required)
After the Closing Date (1-20 days prior to the event): Credit Card only – (Regular Rates apply)
At Event: Credit/debit card, cashiers’ check, money order – (Regular Rates apply)
*Returned checks are assessed a $50 fee; any applicable discount is forfeited and delinquency charge and/or Regular Rate will apply.
NOTE: Payments received through the mail will be credited on the date of postmark. We recommend you mail your payment a few days early or use an expedited service to assure the deadline is met. Please be aware that any payment received more than 6 days after the closing date will be applied to your account; however, Regular Rates will apply to ALL registration and you will be billed for the updated balance due.
NOTE: All Monetary Awards must be applied prior to completing the payment process, instructions are available in your studio account.
No refunds will be issued after the Closing Date for an event. In the case of a cancelled event that is unable to be rescheduled, entry fees and Diamond Pledge deposits may be added as an account credit, transferred to another Regional or National event, or refunded, as requested by the studio.
Please note that any refunds due as a result of overpayment of $250 or more will be issued automatically in the original form of payment within 10 days following the event. Overpayment ranging from $35 to $249 will be automatically applied as a credit to the studio account for use through 5/31/2026, unless a refund is requested in writing by emailing Any refund of less than $35 will only be processed as a refund or a credit if requested by the studio by emailing In the case of injuries and medical emergencies, a Medical Gift Certificate may be issued to your account for one year upon receipt of an official doctor's statement emailed directly to In order to receive a Medical Gift Certificate, an official doctor's statement must be submitted within 2 weeks of the event.
Check your invoice carefully and immediately for accuracy prior to the Closing Date. Any changes requested after the Closing Date will incur a $20 fee per change and must be paid at the time of request.
NEW: Once the schedule is complete, there will be no changes to the division levels, so please be sure that you indicated your dancers correctly.
Please send all requests to no later than MIDNIGHT MST, on the Friday prior to the regional event. Any change requested after that deadline must be made at the event and are still subject to the $20 change fee. All change requests are subject to event capacity restrictions and are not guaranteed.NOTE: No changes or additions will be made for any account that is not paid in full. Late or changed entries may not be reflected in the souvenir program or on studio group plaques.
Entries submitted after the Closing Date will be charged at the Regular Rate (see “Fees” above). Entries will be accepted up to and including the competition day only if time permits and must be paid at time of submission.
Spotlight reserves the right to limit and/or close registration at any time, cancel or reschedule an event, add additional days, extend any competition as a result of the number of entries received, change venues, limit solos to 1 per dancer, or to make any other reasonable changes deemed necessary. When an event is closed due to over-capacity registration, entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis according to the actual received date of full payment and completed registration.
know before you go!
(event preparation)
Teacher Packets will be available approximately two weeks prior to the event on your account home page. An email notification will be sent when they become available directly to the email address linked with your registration account. Teacher Packets include the General Event Schedule, a studio specific schedule with Routine Numbers and your Studio Code, facility address and any additional pertinent event information.
NOTE: All event specific information for studios, will be available, only when accounts are paid in full.
Spotlight does not have a general schedule format for our competitions. Schedules are uniquely created, based on the registration for that particular city. The routine count and type is different for each event, and we do not have this information until after the Closing Date for the event. This allows us to create a schedule that best accommodates each studio and dancer, utilizing competition time in an efficient manner. Once the schedule has been released, it is final, unless otherwise noted. If you would like to make a special schedule request, these must be made directly on your registration for EACH individual routine – fees will apply.
MUSIC UPLOAD: All music MUST be uploaded online via the registration portal. Deadline for uploading music is Tuesday prior to the regional event, by MIDNIGHT.
Each routine must be labeled as follows: #_routine name_studio code (example: 010_Fever_C). All music for the event can be submitted on one flash drive, in mp3 format with a minimum bit rate of 128. Music can also be submitted in m4a, .wav, or .aiff formats, but mp3 is most preferred.If you are attending an event with multiple stages, please provide separate flash drives for each stage. Regardless of how music is submitted prior to the event, you must have a backup available in the form of USB flash drive to submit at check-in. We also recommend having an additional backup on another device in case of technical issues with the USB.
NOTE: Please pick up all music submitted at the event following your last awards ceremony, from the Announcer.
No studio or group may use ANY music owned by Kirbyko Music LLC or Watson Music Group or any other music without proof of music rights from the licensing agencies such as BMI, SESAC, and ASCAP. Violators of this rule will be subject to copyright fees.
Pre-set props are allowed in all routines. A prop is defined as anything that can be carried onstage in one piece and/or can be placed onstage in approx. 30 seconds or less, and a stage set is defined as anything that needs to be assembled on stage and/or takes more than 30-45 seconds. All props must be free standing and may not be attached to any apparatus or stage rigging.
• Solo, Duo, Trio, Groups and Lines: Set up and removed within 1 minute TOTAL time. Assembly/set up that exceeds 30 seconds will automatically start the timing of that routine.
• Production: Set up and removed within 3 minutes total time. Assembly that exceeds 1 ½ minutes will automatically start the timing of that routine. Adding extended time when registering production routines is recommended.NOTE: If additional time is needed for set up and removal of props/stage sets you must register as an Extended Time routine and adhere to stated time limits to avoid a penalty.
PROHIBITED PROPS: Fire, knives, weapons, live animals, helium-filled balloons, fog machines, and any objects that would cause damage or leave any residue on the stage floor such as glitter, liquids, gels, confetti, paint, sand, aerosol powders, etc.
MOTOR VEHICLES: Cannot be started.
Must be UL approved, portable, and self-contained.
Extension cords mus be provided by the studio.
Available outlets are not guaranteed.
Maximum power is limited to a single 110v/15a outlet.
Props can be delivered backstage up to two hours prior to a performance.
Props must be removed within one hour following the performance,
Storage space for props (and/or prop trailers + trucks) is not guaranteed.
Parking location of prop trailers or trucks must be Spotlight and/or venue staff approved.
Special lighting requests are not permitted.
Special music requests to start and stop music during a routine are not permitted.
The stage must be returned to its original pre-performance condition within 30 seconds. Choreography that allows any dancer to be physically placed more than six feet off the ground on any scenic piece or prop may be considered hazardous and result in a point deduction penalty. Routines in violation of these safety standards may be penalized or disqualified at Spotlight’s discretion.
We are now offering all inclusive, FREE MEDIA to all participants. Our same high-quality professional photographers and videographers will be at each event now offering the product for FREE! Dance families must create a media account through our website or the Spotlight Events App to download their dancer’s media following the event and Studio Directors will have access to their entire studio’s media.
Dancers competing for this prestigious Spotlight award will perform in two categories – Title Solo and on-stage interview. Title Solos must be registered in the Elite Gems Division. Title Solos are not eligible in the Novice + Future Gems Divisions. Scores are combined to determine overall winners; when multiple solos are entered for Title, the highest Solo score is used. Title upgrades are allowed at the event at the Regular Rate if time permits. Dancers must compete for Title and qualify at a Regional event, in order to compete for the National Title.
TITLE SOLO: Title Solos may be in any category and are still eligible for overall awards.
ON STAGE INTERVIEW: All contestants in the same Age Category will join the Show Director on stage to perform the following:
Biography: Recite a bio that includes name, age, city, state, studio, and teacher(s)/choreographer(s). This can be phrased in any fashion, however, no singing or additional information permitted.
Question: Answer one of four questions which may be obtained from the Stage Manager no more than one hour prior to the on-stage interview.
Dance Combo (NEW!): Contestants will perform a prepared combination in any style to a pre-selected piece of music. A music link will be sent out to Studio Directors in the Teacher Packet approximately 2 weeks prior to the event.
Attire: Basic dancewear and any type of shoe is permitted – No costumes or embellishments of any kind permitted on the attire. Rhinestone jewelry and/or hair accessories are acceptable.
Noncompliance with any of the above will result in a 5-point penalty per infraction.
All photogenic entries must be turned in to the Spotlight Boutique at the event. Do not mail to the Spotlight office. The Age Category for Photogenic is determined by the dancer’s age as of January 1, 2025. Online submissions are NOT accepted. Registration is allowed up to one hour prior to the scheduled awards ceremony. Photos must be taken within the past twelve months and an 8x10 headshot is recommended. The Spotlight Boutique staff will provide a label with the registration information to complete and attach to the back of the photo. Multiple photos may be submitted; however, only one dancer per photo. Winning photos will be retained and automatically entered in our National Photogenic Competition. Winners may be featured in Spotlight’s brochures, ads and programs. Photogenic entries will not receive score sheets. It is the responsibility of the contestant to retrieve any non-winning photos from the Spotlight Boutique prior to the end of event. Spotlight is not responsible for the return of any photos or for any photo that is misplaced, lost, or damaged.
A unique opportunity presented at Spotlight Dance Cup designed to showcase your studio’s most elite routines! Register for these awards in advance or at the event. Applies to the Elite Gems Division only. You may register multiple combinations for each award; however, a routine may only be used once and the highest combined score will receive a beautiful crystal trophy. Additional fee applies. These awards are OPTIONAL.
TRIPLE CROWN: Choose three Solos from the same Elite Gems Age Category (i.e. Elite Gems Teen).
These can be the same or different dancers and can feature any Category. Awarded during the solo awards ceremony for that Division.STUDIO ACHIEVEMENT FOR DUO/TRIO: Choose three Duo/Trios from different Elite Gems Age Categories.
Awarded at the final Duo/Trio awards ceremony (i.e. Elite Gems Junior Duo, Elite Gems Teen Duo, Elite Gems Senior Trio).STUDIO ACHIEVEMENT FOR GROUPS / LINES: Choose three Groups or Lines from different Elite Gems Age Categories.
Awarded at the final group awards ceremony (i.e. Elite Gems Petite Small Group, Elite Gems Teen Large Group, Elite Gems Senior Small Group).
Directors (or designees) are required to check in either 30 minutes prior to the start of the event or at least one hour prior to their first scheduled performance. At this time, you will submit your USB Flash Drive with all pre-labeled music for the event and receive all pertinent event information.
A studio representative (teacher, dancer, etc.) must check in with the Stage Manager three routines prior to their performance. Intentional manipulation of performance order (i.e. purposely rehearsing or delaying) or performing “out-of-order” without prior permission from the Stage Manager, Show Director, or Event Manager may result in a penalty or the routine performing for “adjudication only” at the discretion of Spotlight staff or judges.
Simulates a professional audition where dancers are taught a short, jazz-style combination on stage for the judges. Contestants will be split into performance groups and the winners are chosen through process of elimination. Purchase your ticket for $20 at the Spotlight Boutique and register according to age on the day of the event. Prizes awarded to finalists in each division. Dance Downs may be available in the following divisions:
FUTURE GEMS DANCE DOWN: For Novice + Future Gems dancers (select cities only).
JUNIOR DANCE DOWN: Dancers 12 + under, with a suggested minimum age of 8.
SENIOR DANCE DOWN: Dancers ages 13-19*Dancers placing in the Top 4 of a Future Gems Dance Down are NOT allowed to compete in the Junior or Senior Dance Down.
JUDGES: Spotlight Judges are comprised of championship caliber studio directors, professional dance instructors, and performing dance professionals. Our judges are well trained in multiple genres of dance and are sensitive to the various skills represented by the dancers’ differing ages and levels. This mixture of age, breadth of dance experience, and extensive background in performing arts contributes to the diverse range of feedback our judges offer competitors. Every effort is made to provide feedback in five main areas: Technique, Execution, Presentation, Choreography, and Difficulty. All decisions made by our highly qualified and competent judging panel are final and all judging methods used will be at the sole discretion of Spotlight Dance Cup.
POINT SYSTEM: A panel of three judges will score each routine based on a system of 100 points per judge.
Ties will be broken based on 1) highest technique score, 2) highest choreography score, 3) judges’ decision.Technique: 30 points
Choreography: 25 points
Execution: 25 points
Presentation: 10 points
Difficulty: 10 points
Over Time Limit: 10 points
Prop Rule Violation: 5 points
Safety Violation: 5 to 10 points
Performance Order Violation: 5 to 10 points
Family Friendly Rule Violation: 5 to 30 points
Other Rule Violations: 5 to 25 points
NOTE: Other Rule Violations include, but are not limited to dancer prompting, videography or photography violation, facility abuse, screaming, dancer heckling or other unsportsmanlike behavior while at the event. Spotlight reserves the right to assess penalties, adjudicate only or disqualify routines and/or a studio if deemed necessary.
* If a dancer does not complete a routine for any reason, the routine will be scored as-is. -
DIAMOND: 261 - 300
RUBY: 252 - 260
EMERALD: 234 - 251
DIAMOND: 264 - 300
RUBY: 255 - 263
EMERALD: 237 - 254
DIAMOND: 267 - 300
RUBY: 258 - 266
EMERALD: 240 - 257
DIAMOND: 270 - 300
RUBY: 261 - 269
EMERALD: 243 - 260
DIAMOND: 273 - 300
RUBY: 264 - 272
EMERALD: 246 - 263
SAPPHIRE: 200 - 245ADJUDICATED AND CATEGORY AWARDS: Each dancer/routine will receive a Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, or Sapphire placement award based on our adjudicated point system (subject to adjustment if deemed appropriate). A Category Winner Ribbon will be given to the routine with the highest score in each category with two or more routines competing.
OVERALL AWARDS: Overall Awards are given in each division and group size, will range from 1-20, and are based on total registration numbers. When minimum requirements are not met, age categories may be combined. The same dancer cannot place more than once as an overall soloist. A representative from the studio must be present at the awards ceremony to be eligible for overall awards.
NOTE: This is our standard practice; however, Spotlight reserves the right to combine group sizes on an exception basis at management discretion.MONETARY AWARDS: Cash awards and/or gift certificates may be given in the Elite Gems Division when the minimum requirements are met. Novice Gems and Future Gems Divisions are not eligible for monetary awards. Monetary prizes are the property of the studio and distributed at the director’s discretion. Studios can receive up to double the value when used toward National Finals 2024 registration! Monetary Awards are stored on the studio account homepage.
SPOTLIGHT AWARDS: Spotlight Awards will be given at each awards ceremony in the following areas: Showmanship, Entertainment, Outstanding Costume, Technical Skill, Choreography, “A Cut Above”. Spotlight Events will award an undetermined number of Special Awards at the Director’s and/or Judges’ discretion, including Judge’s Choice, Sweepstakes and Sportsmanship Awards.
DANCERS AGAINST CANCER DONATION OPTION: Studios will have the option to donate back their awards received during each ceremony. Once the ceremony concludes, studios can bring any awards that they would like to donate to the Awards Coordinator backstage. At the end of the season, the proceeds from the donated awards will be given to Dancers Against Cancer! This is completely optional, and studios may choose which individual awards they would like to donate back.
SHARING THE SPOTLIGHT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: Spotlight Dance Cup recognizes individuals that excel both on and off stage through our “Sharing the Spotlight” Scholarship Program. Current Senior dancers who are attending college and/or furthering their dance education, directly following the 2025 competition season, are eligible to apply.
CHALLENGES/PROTESTS: Division Challenge: If you, as the studio director, believe that a routine has not been entered in the correct division, you may challenge the specific routine by following our written protest procedures. Please see the Show Director at the event for the appropriate protest form. Any routine challenged and found to be in violation of the division criteria may be disqualified, adjudicated only, or bumped to the proper division at Spotlight’s discretion. Protests must be submitted at least one hour prior to the applicable awards ceremony and preferably within 30 minutes of the performance in question.
SAFETY: Dancers’ safety is paramount at Spotlight Dance Cup. Stage Managers, marley floor, and first aid kits are provided. Spotlight stresses the importance of safety and executing only those skills, techniques and practices that will not cause undue harm or injury to performers, spectators, or the stage. To ensure the safety of all, 100% of choreography must be performed within the boundaries of the provided stage area. Dancing in aisles, on or around the judges’ table, jumping off the stage, and/or performing in any other part of the theatre is strictly prohibited. Routines in violation of these noted safety standards will be penalized or disqualified at Spotlight’s discretion.
FAMILY FRIENDLY POLICY: Spotlight Dance Cup is dedicated to providing an environment that is family friendly. We realize that dance is an art form and crosses a broad range of styles and tastes; however, routines, costumes and music must be age appropriate and suitable for audiences that include children of every age. Offensive language/lyrics, choreography, costuming, and/or the use of dance themes such as rape, suicide, murder, sex, domestic violence, or other dark undertones presented with a lack of “artistic discretion” may be considered inappropriate. We recognize that this is extremely subjective and sensitive. Therefore, Spotlight judges and staff will use their utmost professional judgment to ensure appropriateness while still encouraging artistic creativity.
NO PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO RECORDING: Recording and transmitting devices of any kind are strictly prohibited, as in any professional performance venue, in order to abide by copyright law and due to the prevalence of persons of questionable nature. This includes Facetime and similar mobile technology during a performance. Your cooperation is appreciated to protect the dancers and the work of the choreographers. As a convenience to participants, studio directors and teachers, we are offering FREE MEDIA from a professional videographer and photographer. No recording devices of any type are allowed in the dressing rooms. We have the exclusive right to deny any person(s) or studio(s) access to the competition in any way due to misconduct, misuse, or otherwise. Failure to comply with these guidelines could result in penalties or disqualification of the dancer(s) and/or studio. We urge all studio owners, teachers, and especially parents, and families to help keep our performers photographically safe.
NOTE: Spotlight Dance Cup reserves the right to use any image taken at our events by our partners and affiliates.DRESSING ROOMS: Same gender parents and teachers only allowed in dressing rooms. Family dressing space may be available upon request. Please see your Stage Manager at the event for Dressing Room details or contact our office prior.
BACKSTAGE POLICY: Teachers and performers only allowed backstage. ALL parents and students not performing in the current routines are to watch from the audience.
JURISDICTION: Upon submission and acceptance of entry registrations, all parties irrevocably agree that all contractual agreements between studios, registrants and Spotlight Events, Inc. shall be construed and governed by the internal laws, and not the law of conflicts, of the State of Idaho. The parties irrevocably and unconditionally (i) agree that any legal action, suit or proceeding arising out of relating to the agreement may be brought in the courts of the State of Idaho or of the United States of America for the District of Idaho, (ii) submit to the jurisdiction of any such court in any such action, suit or proceeding, and (iii) waive, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any objection that they may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any action or proceeding arising out of relating to this agreement in any court referred to in this section. Final judgment against a party in any action, suit or proceeding shall be conclusive and may be enforced in any other jurisdiction by suit on the judgment.
ADMISSION: Admission to the event is FREE for all attendees.
PERFORMANCE AREAS: We secure high quality theaters and utilize stages no less than 40 ft. wide by 30 ft. deep and covered with marley floor. For further information about a particular venue, please contact our office.
FACILITY RESPECT POLICY: Dressing rooms, performance, workshop/loading dock and audience areas are to be left in the same condition after the competition as before. If any attendee abuses the premises in any way, or food/drink/gum is found on the premises, Spotlight reserves the right to discard it and to excuse spectators and competitors from the event. Non-compliance could result in disqualification of the dancer and/or studio.
Master classes will be held at select Regional events. Classes may be offered in various genres including but not limited to jazz, lyrical, contemporary, hip hop, tap, ballet and musical theatre. Classes are subject to time availability, minimum participation requirements, and any other parameters deemed applicable. Pre-registration is encouraged and available on our website two weeks prior to the event. At event registration will be accepted, space permitting, at the “At Event” rates. Registration fees are nonrefundable. Registered Teachers and Directors will be admitted to classes with their Spotlight issued wristbands.
SINGLE CLASS: $30 Pre-Sale, $40 Day Of
FULL DAY (Three Classes): $75 Pre-Sale, $100 Day Of
Observer Guidelines: Observers at regional workshops must purchase an observer pass, accompany a workshop attendee and may not take class or notes at any time. No children allowed unless registered dancers. Recording and transmitting devices of any kind are strictly prohibited to protect the dancers and the work of the choreographers.
(AFTER THE event)
Log in to your studio account on the registration portal following the event, score sheets will be available Tuesday, end of business, following your event. Video critiques + monetary awards will be available no later than Friday, end of business. Information is provided to studio directors only.