Nicci Arentsen – An Introduction.
nicci arentsen
an introduction.
Hello, Spotlight fans and Readers,
If I was meeting you in person I would have given you a big hug or handshake but since we are not let’s pretend that already happened! My name is Nicci Arentsen (yes, with two C’s, and yes I have many funny stories of how judges have called my name out loud at awards slightly wrong, but it’s okay that is why I like the unique spelling!) I am a fifteen year old that lives in Orange County, California. I am a sophomore at Villa Park high school and understand the struggle of balancing all your schoolwork, tests, volunteer hours, school dances, and ASB while on top of the busy schedule at your dance studios and competition/convention weekends. I am super excited to be a Spotlight Ambassador for this season and write blogs for you monthly.
Some of my favorite things to do outside of dance would be being crazy with my friends, relaxing on the beach, getting boba and making funny music videos with my dance friends, wakeboarding with my family, hiking, watching sunsets, going shopping, and trying new desserts and foods! My favorite food…well is one of the toughest questions but I would have to say probably pizza, either Hawaiian or mushroom sausage. If I were to have a movie night with friends my first picks are always any Disney movies (Moana especially) or the classic High School Musicals! Living in southern California I don’t quite experience the four seasons as some of my friends in other parts of the US. But, because I live so close to the beach and love the hot weather I would say summer is my favorite season!
Now, onto dance, I have been dancing since I was five years old and starting competing when I was 9 at the same studio still to this day, South Coast Performing Arts. The place where I can always be myself, feel welcomed and loved when I walk in, take risks and not be embarrassed, be supported by my peers, the place that I spend almost the same amount as my own house and get to call my second home. I am also on my varsity dance team at school which I love because I get to be involved at my school and perform at assemblies, halftime shows for basketball and football games, and perform in two concerts a year that we have the privilege of choreographing our own group dances if we wish. I train in all styles jazz, lyrical, contemporary, ballet, hip-hop, tap, and a little tumbling. I have always found myself the happiest when I get lost in the moves, performing on any stage, or teaching younger kids to dance. Well, that is it for this blog and I hope you guys will follow my journey through this year!
Talk to you later
Nicci Arentsen